How To Create Successful Artwork For Orders
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Layout your artwork within the graphic template.

Make sure you are using the MOST CURRENT graphic template! Templates can be found on each product page in the Templates tab.

> Extra white space means your product isn’t to size
> Template colors will be printed
> Outdated product dimensions

> Built to size
> Template colors automatically removed during preflight
> Current product dimensions

Only Solid Coated Pantones can be guaranteed for exact color matches. Colors must be plugged into the art file before uploading to the cart.

Layout the artwork specific to the number of pages in the template. See the example below.
Pay close attention to the bleeds. Make sure the background image/color is designed to the edge of the artboard. See the example below.
For table throws & tents, don’t forget to add your desired color as the page background. Table throws & tents are fully-printed hence why background color needs to be defined.
Pantone Solid Coated colors should be assigned in file when there are critical matches. No other custom color swatches can be matched.
Do not edit the artboard sizes.
Do not add or delete pages on the artboard.
Do not use the spot coors from template in your artwork as they will not print.

Do not use template spot colors in artwork. These colors automatically get deleted.

Only Solid Coated Pantones can be guaranteed for exact color matches. Colors must be plugged into the art file before uploading to the cart.
Design art to fill the entire template with bleeds.

Missing bleeds could mean bad printed results.

Place art in all provided artboards, like this!

Providing only one side will result in an incomplete product. Do not delete or add artboards.

Design on the template and include your background color!
Bad table throw artwork:

Good table throw artwork:

Bad tent artwork:

Good tent artwork: